Weine Italiens

For the tenth consecutive edition, our studio provided the German translation of the Gambero Rosso Italian Wines 2022 guide, a publication that is renewed year after year and brings the best of Italian wine production to the world.

What is it about?

The guide features the descriptions of over 1,600 wineries and wine cooperatives, located in all regions of Italy and in the Canton of Ticino. The presentation of the winery and its peculiar features is followed by the analysis of the wines and the evaluation by the Gambero Rosso panel. The best wines are awarded the coveted Tre Bicchieri; in addition, special prizes are awarded to individual wines or wineries that stood out in terms of quality or special initiatives.

What does the project look like?

A fact sheet is dedicated to each winery, which in a very limited space shows data such as the number of bottles produced, the hectares under vine, any organic certification, together with the description of the winery and the evaluation of the wines presented. Each region is also introduced by a text describing its geographical peculiarities and the production context. All this is expressed in highly compact texts where there isn’t the space to go into lengthy discussion but where it is essential to rely on the precision of each word, condensing the many concepts into just a few lines. Sometimes, veritable linguistic acrobatics!

How was the translation work organized?

The work took several months and involved a whole team of native German-speaking translators, all experts in the wine field and by now skilled at juggling the pitfalls of these texts. In addition to the translation, co-ordination and revision are essential stages in such a wide-ranging, complex work: our studio, as every year, worked side by side with the publishing house’s layout department to guarantee the revisions of the ready-for-press and all the small adjustments to the layout and texts, which are always necessary.

Mission accomplished again this year – all that remains to do is to celebrate with a toast!

Find out about other translation projects.


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