INTRA means in-between: between the source message and the end reader.

INTRA means inside: we dive deep into the text to extract its meaning and take it elsewhere.

The power of words

Words, when used consciously and skillfully, can generate beauty, energy and stimulate improvement.

Each of these driving forces has a cascade effect on the reality around us.

We are working towards a world in which we can better understand each other through valuable and conscious communication that helps people and companies take what they have to say out into the world.

The human touch and care

Our job is to act as a bridge between human beings who have something to say to each other, to overcome linguistic and cultural boundaries, to facilitate communication: we believe that no software can produce anything good without being guided by people’s intellect and sensitivity.

Translation and localisation are built upon the work of other people who have created and organised texts and content. Tending to words and taking them to new horizons means respecting and valuing the initial effort that went into them, creating added value.


Every professional possesses a unique mix of skills, aptitudes and experience. Every company has something special that sets it apart from others.

We seek to bring out the best in each of our clients and in each person who works with us, in the pursuit of excellence.

Our value chain

We work with a limited number of tried and trusted professionals with whom we build long-term relationships.

We take care not to fuel risky subcontracting chains through agencies or anonymous online platforms. We carefully select the translators we work with and pay them according to their professionalism, without imposing knock-down rates.

We only work in our own line of business, the work we know well. For all complementary services we rely on professionals whom we know personally and are based in our local area.

Our history

Our history began at a time when no one was yet reading other people’s histories on a device screen.

INTRA was the brainchild of an INTRApreneurial woman, who made her passion for foreign languages her profession. It was the 1980s – enthusiastic and exciting years – and translation studios were a rarity in the business world.

Since then communication has become increasingly international, just like the world we live in. People like us, who work with words, have witnessed first-hand the evolution of technology intimately connected with word processing.


Our translations have seen the typewriter, the first bulky personal computers and its rudimental software; initially they were typed on a single sheet of paper, then they were saved on floppy disks, CD-ROMs, flash drives; they were delivered by hand, by bus (yes, we caught the bus to deliver translations to our clients), by post, by fax, modem and finally by e-mail or through the cloud.

INTRA today is a consolidated business, now in its second generation of translators.

Nowadays anyone’s history can be read on increasingly smaller screens. Technology is advancing, languages are evolving and we are constantly updating our skills in order to keep pace, but the fundamentals that define our work remain the same: people, words, overcoming barriers.


Request a translation quote

We will reply within a day. Please fill in the form with some information that will help us better understand what you need.

    Name and surname *:

    Private person or company *:
    private personcompany

    Company name:

    Region or Country *:


    E-mail *:

    Source language*:

    Target language*:

    Text type *:

    (e.g.: website, brochure, manual, certificate, official deed, …)


    (e.g.: furniture, steelmaking, fashion, winemaking, …)

    Project dimensions:

    (e.g.: number of words or characters, pages, …)


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