Request a translation quote
We will reply within a day. Please fill in the form with some information that will help us better understand what you need.
We formulate specific quotations for every translation enquiry.
Translation rates are based on the number of words to be translated and depend on various factors: source and target language, type of text, urgency and format of the documents to be translated (Word, PDF, hard copies, …).
We rely on computer files and digital supports (CAT tools) to draw up accurate quotations, which best evaluate the actual amount of text to be translated taking into account any repetitions in a document or sections of texts already translated in the past for a specific customer.
A number of particular services however are based on an hourly charge.
For certified translation services and their legalisation, standard rates for this type of service apply. One or more € 16.00 revenue stamps are affixed to certified translation documents as required by law.
Request a personalised quotation and help us identify the most suitable rate and services for you.
We will reply within a day. Please fill in the form with some information that will help us better understand what you need.
We will work alongside you through all the stages of the work: before, during and after translation, to offer you a complete service, with added value that makes all the difference.
Ask for your quotation!